Tempe Town Lake

Higher Taxes for Tempe Homeowners

  Read this to say that the Tempe rulers want more money to flush down the rat hole of "Tempe Town Toilet" which they call "Tempe Town Lake". This park is only open to the public when it isn't be used to make revenue by providing concerts and parties which Tempe makes tons of money off of. These parties at Tempe Town Toilet cause huge traffic jams in North Tempe and South Scottsdale and the music which ofen can be heard a couple of miles away from concerts keeps people awake at night.


April 6, 2007

Tempe hikes property taxes to speed up city projects

Garin Groff, Tribune

Tempe has hiked property taxes to speed up city projects like park improvements, pool renovations and new fire stations.

The City Council on Thursday decided to take advantage of the surge in property valuations to keep the tax rate steady, which will result in a surge of new revenue. Everybody on the council wanted at least some tax hike. But a narrow majority wanted even more to fund a list of nonessential projects.

The owner of the average Tempe home will pay an extra $62 a year, a 34 percent increase. That brings the city’s share of the property tax bill to about $294. The average assessed value in Tempe is $194,000.

The city’s tax rate is $1.40.

Tempe Town Lake

Tempe Town Toilet