Tempe Town Lake

TEA Party idiots invite tyrant Hugh Hallman to event

  Why do these morons invite people who are the cause of the problem to a TEA Party? J.D. Hayworth and Maricopa County Sheriff Joe Arpaio are THE PROBLEM, not the solution. They both support a bigger better police state. They both are tax and spend tyrants.

These TEA Party idiots invited Tempe Mayor Hugh Hallman who is one of the biggest government tyrants in the state to speak at one of their event!


Thousands attend Tax Day 'tea party' protest in Gilbert

by D.S. Woodfill - Apr. 15, 2010 02:54 PM

The Arizona Republic

Thousands of people, some shouting or waving signs, attended the southeast Valley "tea party" Thursday at Freestone Park in Gilbert to protest a wide range of grievances on the day federal and state income taxes are due.

Organizers estimated the crowd at between 2,500 to 3,000 people, some of whom sat stoically listening to speakers.

"It's way bigger than it was last year," said Jennifer Patentreger, a member of the East Valley Tea Party, which organized the event.

The rally drew a couple of big names from Arizona's political scene, including former Congressman and Republican candidate for U.S. Senate J.D. Hayworth and Maricopa County Sheriff Joe Arpaio, who delivered the keynote speech.

The event unfolded in an orderly fashion with one exception: Tempe resident Kevin Heade caused a stir when he arrived to counter-protest.

Heade exchanged a few terse words with some of the protesters, and some began circling around him shouting.

"Get out of here," one protester shouted while another yelled, "He's a plant!"

Heade eventually disappeared into the crowd.

"I think people just stopped engaging him and he went home," Patentreger said.

Evelyn Manwell of Chandler said it was her first rally.

"I'm a Republican, and I support what we stand for," she said.

Gilbert resident Scott MacArthur stood holding a sign that said: "So far . . . the change sucks."

"The government's gotten way too big, most of what they do is unconstitutional and is not authorized under the Constitution," he said.

Arpaio touched on a number of issues, including his chain gangs and his problems with the federal government.

"Thirty years with the federal government, in the hills of Turkey, gun battles, Mexico, I can go on and on (about) my career," he said. "Because I'm doing my job I've got the Justice Department following me around. That's sad.

"It really tugs at my heart in a way," he added. "But you know what? The overriding factor is I report to you, I don't report to the government and that's the way it's going to be."

Tempe Town Lake

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